Friday 21 June 2024

The Wish part 1 Honourable


This is the most honourable wish I can ever done.We all have someone who stands on the top of our all wishes.My most honourable person takes that position.

In everyone's lives we all need someone to push us through in our hardest time periods. That is my father;all the effort he does through his amazing hardworking life journey is pushing me to my highest self.

Just think how hard to carry all the emotions without releasing them out  to the external world. Father is the first ever lover of baby girls and the first ever hero of baby boys life.Life gets harder while we going through the hardest times,we might be thinking of giving up ,but then think how hard it to your dad to keep and give all the things to his family. 


This is a bit of my most honourable person's gratitude letter. People might have different thoughts. But never let them change you journey, as there is a person who is waiting for your success. 


The Life part 3 A Teacher

 This is the last part the of the series The Life which is A Teacher.                        People must be educated by schools, by academ...