Saturday 22 June 2024

The Wish part 3 Favourite

 This is the last part of the series The Wish called Favourite.

This wish goes to the favourite person among the crowd in my mind. In someone's life, the favourite person can be change time to time.That is totally a usual human behaviour. But if we want to achieve our highest self, we need to have at least one favourite person who can help us indeed; whom we can relay in our hardest time periods. 

That person could be a friend or a partner and of course a crush
According to my opinion,  we can create and survive out greatest life with the help of that person.

Their behaviours can give a positive impact to our lives. I hope this could be the gratitude letter for your favourite person as well.

If you take the respect from others ,never forget or ignore to give that same respect back when the needed.


The Life part 3 A Teacher

 This is the last part the of the series The Life which is A Teacher.                        People must be educated by schools, by academ...