Sunday 23 June 2024

On the Way part 1 A Feeling

 This is the 1st part of the series On the Way which is A Feeling .

I have already finished two series. Let's begin this new series. This is about  feelings that we have  on our way to somewhere. 

There can be occurred thousands of feelings when you are driving to anywhere. Sometimes a feeling can bring you joy and sometimes sorrow. My wish is to pop up only joyful feelings to everyone. 

People cannot control their thoughts, but they can control their emotions that comes from their feelings. The ones who can control their emotions are the most powerful creatures, since the patience is very rare in the current electronic world.

Sometimes we don't know how to react to others emotions as well as ours.

People might don't know how much this life worth . So just don't let for a single feeling to destroy your life.


The Life part 3 A Teacher

 This is the last part the of the series The Life which is A Teacher.                        People must be educated by schools, by academ...