Monday 24 June 2024

On the Way part 3 An Incident

We are on our last part of the series On the Way which is An Incident. 

All these things happen when you decided to take the public transportation instead of private.Of course public transportation methods are more cheaper and reduces the traffic increase. AND WE ALL NEED TO SAVE MONEY.

In one morning when I was on my way to university, I met a nice guy. He offered me the seat next to his eventhough that was hard to find a place to sit here. As the journey was a bit tired, I fell asleep. When I work up ,it felt something strange around me.

 I was with my cell phone on my hands and he was hurrying to give me my bags that were on the rails.At that moment I realised that he wanted to rob my cell phone , so he covered the are with bags in order  not to see it by other on the train.

I was very grateful for me for waking up at the right moment.

The moral is just don't be hurry to decide everyone's characters by the 1st impression of them towards you.


The Life part 3 A Teacher

 This is the last part the of the series The Life which is A Teacher.                        People must be educated by schools, by academ...