Tuesday 25 June 2024

The Life part 3 A Teacher

 This is the last part the of the series The Life which is A Teacher.


People must be educated by schools, by academic institutes or from their individuals' families. In both cases the one who give the academic knowledge to you will be the teacher. Everyone is a teacher at least once at their lifetime for some reasons.

Sometimes people hire teachers to educate themselves and some get the guidance free.

But the point is, if you educate to your fellows just be authentic. People will get what they give to others. That is karma.

My life as a teacher is something that I really love. I am busy at sometimes with that. But the pleasure that gives me is priceless. I am teaching my most favourite subject and I enjoy it a lot.


We can give others advice only if we are already following them.

Just remember to be a teacher at least once in your life journey, it would be such a great experience that you have ever had at the end.

The Life part 2 A Family Member

 This is the 2nd part the series The Life which is A Family Member.

People need a family. Most of the people is this society has a family. But sometimes somebody might not have a one.

We have duties as a family member. As I am the eldest child of my nice family, there are lots of responsibilities upon me to fulfil in this. Sometimes it is really hard to bear everything by ourselves as we cannot pour those problems to younger members. 

In the moments like that, we really need an authentic friend who offers us their shoulder.

Our duties as a family member will not have an end, as when we leave the family we come from, we have to build a brand-new one.

Pepple are busy with their own lives. But there is a time that we all need a family in this journey. If you want to be relaxed a moment of your journey, you need to be a nice member t your family.

If you have not a family to come from, just a little remainder. The most important family is the one you create, not the one you come from.

The Life part 1 A Friend

 This is a new series and a new beginning for you. This is the 1st part of The Life series which is A Friend.

If I ask you to give me a brief explanation about life, you might have lots of definitions. But this is not about the life, this is about the life being somebody. This is a life as a friend.

Let me tell you, people might say to you; in order to have friends you have to kind and people please even though you are not someone like that. It is not like that. Since it is very difficult to maintain a fake character at all the time.

If we want to have a true friend, we have to be our authentic self without faking our characteristics. You can be a cruel person or a happy or a sad person. In this every situation be yourself. Then you attract people with same behaviours as you.


I am a friend for my friends, for my family members, for my teachers.

Everyone needs a friend in their life to give them the shoulder when their head is leaning towards the ground. So be a genuine friend that you want to be with you. Authenticity will never trick you.

The Week part 3 On Friday

This is the last part of the series The Week which is On Friday.


This would be the start of the rest time as the week about to finish and OfCourse finishing with my main tasks for the week. After a long journey to home in the Friday evenings, I want to refresh myself a little bit. But if I have procrastinated some of my main tasks of the weekdays, all of them should be finished within Friday as the next day is the beginning of the weekend.

Sometimes things get hard. But things should be done. This is not something frustrated. In order to be productive, we have to work according to a timetable.

When things getting difficult for you, just remember to have a break. A break can fix many stresses.


But always remember, if you need arrest day, the day before or after your rest day will be the busiest days in your week and might the most stressful, because in this life journey, we cannot skip things. Just a little remainder. 

The Week part 2 On Monday

 This is the 2nd part of the series The Week which is On Monday.


Now you might be asking how the second topic has been Monday. If you read the 1st part of this series I know you could find the answer for that.

After scheduling everything for the week ahead, Monday is the day that things getting started. My Mondays should have a perfect start, since the mood is everything for me. It starts with a tired long journey by a train and then by lectures. But as the things have already planned, the things flow very well.

And rest of the week flows according to my plan, unless occurring something sudden in the middle or somewhere of my prepared week. Thing will be easy with habit we might be secured from procrastination. But sometimes it happens, because we are not machines.


But the main point is, if we want to have a good morning, we should have a good night before it. Because a Good Day starts from a Good Night.

The Week part 1 On Sunday

 This is the beginning of a new series The Week. We are on our 1st part which is On Sunday.


In my world my week starts from Sunday. Now you might be wandered how a week begins from Sunday. On Sunday I have to plan my entire week ahead in order to prevent Stucks in the middle of the week.

Of course, Sundays might be busy for some people while it is the free day before a busy week for some. I belong to both parties as sometimes Sundays are filled with urgent matters and sometime, I can spend it free.

Even though it is a busy day I have to be prepared for my next week ahead. It is by writing things down or just by memorizing them. But the best productive method is writing things down as a To Do List.


It doesn't matter that i would like to be prepared to my week ahead or not, I have to do so.

I hope everyone is like this in order to prevent sudden Stucks in your next week.


Monday 24 June 2024

On the Way part 3 An Incident

We are on our last part of the series On the Way which is An Incident. 

All these things happen when you decided to take the public transportation instead of private.Of course public transportation methods are more cheaper and reduces the traffic increase. AND WE ALL NEED TO SAVE MONEY.

In one morning when I was on my way to university, I met a nice guy. He offered me the seat next to his eventhough that was hard to find a place to sit here. As the journey was a bit tired, I fell asleep. When I work up ,it felt something strange around me.

 I was with my cell phone on my hands and he was hurrying to give me my bags that were on the rails.At that moment I realised that he wanted to rob my cell phone , so he covered the are with bags in order  not to see it by other on the train.

I was very grateful for me for waking up at the right moment.

The moral is just don't be hurry to decide everyone's characters by the 1st impression of them towards you.

Sunday 23 June 2024

On the Way part 2 A Person

 This is the 2nd part of the series On the Way which is A Person

We can drive individualy as well as from public transportation methods. In the public transportation methods, we can find cringey people, good people, sad people as well as disturbance.

Sometimes these people offer us helps as well as need our help.

I'm writing this blog to let you know that,just be kind enough to offer someone help that you already don't know.

In one morning, I was on my way to home and I was just get in the train. As we was given the vacation from university, I was filled with baggages. There were lots of empty seats, but I went to a seat that was already had a person .And she also looked like a university girl, because she was just like me with full of baggages.

During the journey to my destination, I was fell asleep a few times.She asked me ,if I need any help and offer me her shoulder.

As girls ,we all know how tired when we do things by ourselves.She was kind enough to offer me her shoulder even when we didn't know eachother .

I want you to tell that people need helps,sometimes they hesitates ask for your help.But if you feel like they need any help,just be kind enough. ♡

On the Way part 1 A Feeling

 This is the 1st part of the series On the Way which is A Feeling .

I have already finished two series. Let's begin this new series. This is about  feelings that we have  on our way to somewhere. 

There can be occurred thousands of feelings when you are driving to anywhere. Sometimes a feeling can bring you joy and sometimes sorrow. My wish is to pop up only joyful feelings to everyone. 

People cannot control their thoughts, but they can control their emotions that comes from their feelings. The ones who can control their emotions are the most powerful creatures, since the patience is very rare in the current electronic world.

Sometimes we don't know how to react to others emotions as well as ours.

People might don't know how much this life worth . So just don't let for a single feeling to destroy your life.

Saturday 22 June 2024

The Tale part 3 Favourite

 This is the last part of the series The Tale which is Favourite

After reading the first two parts you know this would also be a tale surrounds by an incident I have experiences.

I have quite a lot of favourite tales .This one is running around the favourite person .

I am a volleyball lover and a player. Of course my favourite is also. That person can learn anything just by watching them once or twice.


As we were hostel mates we have to obay to the rules,that means every afternoon we have to go for practice,  sometimes for tournaments as well as just for fun.Everytime we went for practice I just waited to my favourite and of course that one never missed to join us.

We would play for the same team at the same time .Everytime we practiced volleyball gave me so much pleasure since I was with the same team with my favourite. 

I hope those memories will never fade from my brain. 

The Tale part 2 Redmarkable

 This is the 2nd part of the series The Tale which is Redmarkable .

If I ask you want means red markable,  I guess you all know the meaning because you read English blogs instead of sinhala.

For those who struggling to find the meaning, I'll give you a hint; just get the idea after reading this short blog.


 I have a few red markable memories with me .This is the most remembered one among them and it happened because of our annoying behaviours in the school.

Everyone knows that there are some seasons which we have not enough water to fulfill our daily routine.In one of that seasons, we decided to leave the hostel without the permission of the directors. But we couldn't continue it as if we were absent in the hostel, we cannot participate to our subject lessons. And we came back. 

Then guess what happened. We had to face to the terrible punishment that we ever have.

That incident will never fade from my memory. That is why it is called red markable. 

The Tale part 1 Funniest

 This is he first part of the series The Tale which is Funniest

If I ask you to tell me a story ,I know  I will be filled with bunch of stories. But If I sort it down as to tell me the Funniest story ,could it be possible? Exactly, right ; since everyone has experienced a lot of incidents, it is hardly to find someone without a funny story..

This is my Funniest story .

In my teenage era, as other teenage girls ,I also tend to experience new things. There is a region in our school that we never stepped into and of course our mission was to experience that. After patiently waited for the teacher and directors to leave that part ,me with my friends started our mission. 

That is a part of a rubber estate. We silently stepped into that estate, the far we went the lighter it was. Exactly beyond the rubber plantation, there was a plain area.We carefully cross the plain area with the idea of going further. 

But suddenly one member slowly told us to stop  and showed something.

Oh...damn ,if our directors come to there varenda, we would be easier catch  and of course, tow dorms of the hostel were also visible to that place .

In oder to reduce the punishment, we turned back to the school. And the thing was when we back to to school we was caught by the pupils who were working there.Good thing was, we were there with our school uniform. 

This is one of my Funniest. I hope all you have a one to tell me .

The Wish part 3 Favourite

 This is the last part of the series The Wish called Favourite.

This wish goes to the favourite person among the crowd in my mind. In someone's life, the favourite person can be change time to time.That is totally a usual human behaviour. But if we want to achieve our highest self, we need to have at least one favourite person who can help us indeed; whom we can relay in our hardest time periods. 

That person could be a friend or a partner and of course a crush
According to my opinion,  we can create and survive out greatest life with the help of that person.

Their behaviours can give a positive impact to our lives. I hope this could be the gratitude letter for your favourite person as well.

If you take the respect from others ,never forget or ignore to give that same respect back when the needed.

The Wish part 2 Dearest

 This is the 2nd part of A Wish series named Dearest.

If I ask you ,who is your most Dearest person you have ever met , what would be the answer?

People might have many Dearest people. Sometimes that can be a friend, a family member,a sibling or a life partner.This opportunity considered to most dearest person ,who is my mom.


If somebody gives to a chance to act as your mom, would you be able to do so?

Mother and father are the visible angles of anyone's life.  Some takes the advantages of it  and some gives and takes the advantages. Between these two angels mother is the one who controls the balance of the family. While father give the fuel  to keep the strength of family mother contributes them among the members. 

Anyone can act as a mother, but only a few can be a mother. 

Friday 21 June 2024

The Wish part 1 Honourable


This is the most honourable wish I can ever done.We all have someone who stands on the top of our all wishes.My most honourable person takes that position.

In everyone's lives we all need someone to push us through in our hardest time periods. That is my father;all the effort he does through his amazing hardworking life journey is pushing me to my highest self.

Just think how hard to carry all the emotions without releasing them out  to the external world. Father is the first ever lover of baby girls and the first ever hero of baby boys life.Life gets harder while we going through the hardest times,we might be thinking of giving up ,but then think how hard it to your dad to keep and give all the things to his family. 


This is a bit of my most honourable person's gratitude letter. People might have different thoughts. But never let them change you journey, as there is a person who is waiting for your success. 

The Life part 3 A Teacher

 This is the last part the of the series The Life which is A Teacher.                        People must be educated by schools, by academ...